
117 Island Business Centre 18-36 Wellington Street Woolwich London, U.K



The combination of your business knowledge and our support services will help your business to grow and increase profitability.

Our specialists can support you with every aspect of your business. Whatever your size or industry, our local teams across the UK are ready with practical, personal advice.

Banking and finance services

Whether you’re taking the next step in your growth journey, investing in new products, services or tech, boosting your cash flow or simply want to review your existing borrowing arrangements, there are lots of ways to source funds.

But evaluating the multitude of different funding sources, rates and deals now available in the marketplace can be a bewildering and time-consuming task. So, if you want to ensure you get the best deal from your bank, or the best return on your investments, it might be time for some expert advice.

Our banking and finance team have many years’ experience helping businesses who need to raise finance navigate the complex banking and finance market. Whatever your size or sector, whatever the scope of your fundraising, we tailor our support to find the very best solutions for you.

We support our clients on all aspects of the transaction from conception through to completion, providing trusted independent advice and a straightforward, personal approach.

Our strong relationships within the traditional banking, private equity, alternative finance and legal world, enhance our ability to guide you through any scenario, however unique or complex.

We offer a comprehensive range of both employment taxation advisory and compliance services, to help you deal with your organisation’s people costs and challenges.

PAYE and NIC account for a significant amount of tax revenue and employers face the growing challenges of adapting to new legislation and ensuring their tax risk management, procedures and strategies comply.

Our team of specialists offers a blend of skills to assist you throughout your organisations life-cycle, covering services such as:

design and advice around strengthening your risk management controls, policies and procedures;

mock HMRC reviews, Know Your Client, Business Risk Reviews or specific area risk reviews including National Minimum Wages and National Insurance;

guiding and supporting you in the complex area of off -payroll workers, IR35 and employment status;

support during HMRC enquiries and reviews;

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS);

Asupport with HMRC filing requirements including P11Ds and PAYE Settlement Agreements; and

assistance in developing your employment tax strategy;

Running a payroll can be time consuming and complicated and divert resources from the core activities of your business. We can address this by installing payroll software and training your staff. Outsourcing this activity also helps relieve the pressure and we can offer cost-effective solutions. We are able to provide the complete service, what ever the size or complexity of your business, or simply provide support when needed.

We can help you with all your general bookkeeping requirements, either at your offices or at our office. You may require help to write up books or need us to add the finishing touches to information on bookkeeping systems in order to create your own management information. If you do not employ a bookkeeper then we can take up the role or help you recruit the right person for your business. Business Planning

Your VAT needs may range from routine compliance to specialist advice. No matter the complexities of your organisation, Our VAT and indirect tax team can support your business strategies and provide expert advice to manage your tax risk and liabilities.

The issues and questions surrounding VAT are notoriously difficult. With increased legislation and regulation, this makes VAT one of the most complex taxes you are likely to encounter. Whatever your particular business sector or circumstances,our VAT and indirect tax team will provide you with tailored, practical and commercial advice which is specific to your business needs.

Charter Brook Limited's specialist team can help you plan a VAT-efficient approach to every aspect of your business to enhance cashflow and minimise risk.

Whether your VAT affairs are straightforward or highly complex, and whether you require one-off specialist advice or ongoing services, you will benefit from a VAT expert working with you to achieve your aims.