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Statutory Pay

Payments may be required from an employer if an employee is not at work for a variety of reasons. There are detailed conditions for an employee to qualify for any of these statutory payments. Employees are only eligible for a statutory payment if they have sufficient average weekly earnings of at least the lower earnings limit.

Regulations surrounding statutory pay apply to almost every type of business, operating across a diverse range of sectors.

Who is entitled to statutory payments?

There’s a number of different reasons why an individual may be entitled to a statutory payment including the following:

i. If an employee becomes a parent

ii. If an employee chooses to adopt

iii. If an employee is laid off

iv. Long term cases of illness

However, in order for an employee to qualify for statutory payments, they must be an employed earner.

As we have mentioned above payments may be required from an employer if an employee is off work for a wealth of different reasons and here is a closer look at some of those. It’s important that all employers familiarise themselves with the conditions associated with statutory pay.

Statutory Sick Pay

Many people fall ill at some point in their working lives, resulting in them unable to work for long periods of time. In instances where employees are off for a prolonged period of time, they are entitled to statutory sick pay which is generally payable for a period of up to 28 weeks.

Statutory Maternity Pay

All mother’s to be are entitled to statutory maternity pay, giving them time off to have their baby and spend time bonding with their new arrival. All statutory maternity pay is payable for a period of up to 39 weeks.

Statutory Paternity Pay

Payments may be required from an employer when an employee takes time off during their partner’s Statutory Maternity Pay period. Payment is for a period of either one or two complete weeks.

Statutory Adoption Pay

Payments are generally required from an employer when an employee takes time off if they have adopted a child and payment for this are usually for a period up to 39 weeks.

Compliance with the latest government legislation.

Weekly or monthly payslips showing the respective Tax, National Insurance payments.

SMP and SSP calculations.

Handle your real-time information tax returns.

Year end Forms submitted to the Inland Revenue

Backup support and help line available

As can be seen, we provide a complete comprehensive Payroll support structure from the small to larger companies.

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Whether your VAT affairs are straightforward or highly complex, and whether you require one-off specialist advice or ongoing services, you will benefit from a VAT expert working with you to achieve your aims.