
117 Island Business Centre 18-36 Wellington Street Woolwich London, U.K



As tax advisers, our objective is to work closely with you to ensure you pay the minimum tax required by law. We will help you to understand the tax implications of your actions, in order that you can plan ahead and conduct your affairs in a tax efficient way.


Corporate tax

Maximising tax efficiency and simplicity is no easy task, but Charter Brook's corporate tax team can help you develop the right approach for your business – whatever its size, sector or stage of growth.

You might represent a quoted international group or an owner-managed business. Your corporate tax needs could range from routine annual compliance to specialist advice to support your business plans, strategies and transactions. That’s why we tailor our service according to your requirements, sector and business circumstances.

The increased reporting obligations, investigation policies on the part of the tax authorities and harsher penalties for non-compliance mean that your time and resources can be taken up with tax administration. We will help to minimise corporate tax exposure and relieve the administrative burden of compliance with current tax legislation. Effective corporate tax planning can also result in significant improvements in your bottom line.

We have the expertise and software to take the headache out of the form filling and compliance aspect of Self Assessment. We can provide you with practical advice on personal tax positions and the planning opportunities available to you. We can complete tax returns, calculate any tax liability and advise you on exactly when to make payments and how much to pay.

Today, more and more emphasis is being put on taxpayers’ individual responsibilities and everyone who is subject to taxation needs professional advice and support if they are to optimise their tax position and ensure they meet the compliance requirements. Our specialist tax team can provide you with year-round advice on all aspects of personal taxation.

VAT and indirect tax

Your VAT needs may range from routine compliance to specialist advice. No matter the complexities of your organisation, Our VAT and indirect tax team can support your business strategies and provide expert advice to manage your tax risk and liabilities.

The issues and questions surrounding VAT are notoriously difficult. With increased legislation and regulation, this makes VAT one of the most complex taxes you are likely to encounter. Whatever your particular business sector or circumstances,our VAT and indirect tax team will provide you with tailored, practical and commercial advice which is specific to your business needs.

Charter Brook Limited's specialist team can help you plan a VAT-efficient approach to every aspect of your business to enhance cashflow and minimise risk.

Whether your VAT affairs are straightforward or highly complex, and whether you require one-off specialist advice or ongoing services, you will benefit from a VAT expert working with you to achieve your aims.