
117 Island Business Centre 18-36 Wellington Street Woolwich London, U.K


Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is payable by individuals, trustees and ‘personal representatives’ (PRs). Companies pay corporation tax on their capital gains.

There are annual tax free allowances (the ‘annual exempt amount’) for individuals, trustees and PRs. Companies do not have an annual exempt amount. For individuals net gains are added to ‘total taxable income’ to determine the appropriate rate of tax. The standard rate applies only to the net gains which, when added to total taxable income do not exceed the ‘basic rate band’.

Gains which qualify for ‘Entrepreneurs’ Relief’ or ‘Investors’ Relief’ are charged at 10% for the first £10m of qualifying gains.

Get in touch to find out how we help our clients determine the right strategic priorities to grow profitably and offer support with practical solutions.

Compliance with the latest government legislation.

Weekly or monthly payslips showing the respective Tax, National Insurance payments.

SMP and SSP calculations.

Handle your real-time information tax returns.

Year end Forms submitted to the Inland Revenue

Backup support and help line available

As can be seen, we provide a complete comprehensive Payroll support structure from the small to larger companies.

Your VAT needs may range from routine compliance to specialist advice. No matter the complexities of your organisation, Our VAT and indirect tax team can support your business strategies and provide expert advice to manage your tax risk and liabilities.

The issues and questions surrounding VAT are notoriously difficult. With increased legislation and regulation, this makes VAT one of the most complex taxes you are likely to encounter. Whatever your particular business sector or circumstances,our VAT and indirect tax team will provide you with tailored, practical and commercial advice which is specific to your business needs.

Charter Brook Limited's specialist team can help you plan a VAT-efficient approach to every aspect of your business to enhance cashflow and minimise risk.

Whether your VAT affairs are straightforward or highly complex, and whether you require one-off specialist advice or ongoing services, you will benefit from a VAT expert working with you to achieve your aims.